
Proven Genetics
in the Show Ring and the Milk Pail
Aries KS Forever Grateful
Sire: MCH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear EEE92
Dam: SG Beaujest Cairo's Siren Song 2*M VEVV 88
2021 AGS Classification VG 87.4
2022 Linear Appraisal VEEE 91
This is the last doe kid that Siren Song graced me with before her untimely demise. She died two weeks after giving birth and I am so grateful that she held on long enough to give me one final daughter. Hence the name. Forever is another line breeding on the Tx Twincreeks Fantasea *M genetics crossed with my most successful doe line. I have very high hopes for this girl as her sisters and aunts are doing very well in the show ring and in the milk pail. Time will tell!
Forever picked up her Junior Champion win at the Summer Shimmy in Decatur.
She won the second leg of her permanent Championship as a four year old at the Fire and Brimstone Show.
One more girl! Lets do This!!

Summer 2018

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