
Proven Genetics
in the Show Ring and the Milk Pail
GCH Creekwood Acres Touch of Class *M
Sire: Creekwood Acres Unforgettable AI
(Tx Twincreeks Que Sera Sera 4*M x Ch Woodbridge Farm Undeniable)
Dam: Creekwood Acres Touch the Sky
(Southlake Hung the Moon X SGCH New Bellwether RR Mini Pearl 4*M)
Classy is a very correct doe who excells in General Appearance. She has a Lovely long back and beautiful length from hips to pins as well as an absolutely gorgeous and productive udder. I have been leasing her from my 'Sister" Herd Creekwood Acres for the past two years. Classy easily finished her permanent Championship at two shows as a two year old second freshener. She was entered in a total of five rings and was first in every class. Going Champion in three of the five rings. At the Hamilton Legends Fall Classic she also went Best in Show under judge Anne Clagett! She is on test this year so she will continue to work hard to prove her genetics.