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 Armenian Gampr Livestock Guardian Dog's
We have decided to raise Livestock guardian dogs in order to safeguard our herd of prize winning goats.  I looked for a breed that had an extensive history of performing this job that also had a fantastic temperament towards humans and I settled on the Armenian Gampr.  Please Welcome our first female Solara who arrived in the fall of 2019.  Eli our male Gampr arrived in the fall of 2020.   
Here is a bit of History about the breed.
The Armenian Gampr is a large to giant-sized landrace breed that developed in the Armenian Highlands as a livestock guardian thousands of years ago. They are naturally protective and gentle with both livestock and family members of all ages but they can be more serious and aloof than most breeds and are not prone to play. While they are intelligent, courageous, and generally calm, they do not tend to get along well with other animals unless they receive a great deal of socialization. This breed is a particularly healthy breed with a  longer lifespan than most dogs of their size.  (12-15 years)
The modern Gampr has changed little within the history of its existence in the Armenian Highlands. It is one of few natural breeds not subjected to hard selection by phenotype. They preserved the genetic variation that other dog breeds had initially. This genetic variation was promoted by spontaneous and, in some cases, intentional periodic matings with locally indigenous wolves (still present). Gamprs differ by their vital capacity, independence, mind, strong self-preservation instinct, capacity for trustworthy defense and protection of livestock, and exclusive friendliness to humans.
The Gamprs ears are traditionally cropped although the breeder of Solara chose not to do so.  Solara's tail is naturally bobbed.

​© Jennifer Herrscher all rights reserved.​

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